

template<size_t DIM>
class Cubism::Core::IndexRange : public Cubism::Core::Range<Index, DIM>

Rectangular index range.

Defines a simple consecutive index space.

Template Parameters
  • DIM: Dimension of the index space

Public Functions

inline IndexRange()

Default constructor (NULL range)

inline explicit IndexRange(const DataType e)

Construct index range.

Constructs equal extent in all DIM dimensions.

  • e: End point (top right) of index space. Begin is 0.

inline explicit IndexRange(const PointType &e)

Construct index range.

Constructs an extent specified the DIM-dimensional e.

  • e: End point (top right) of index space. Begin is 0.

inline IndexRange(const DataType b, const DataType e)

Construct index range.

Constructs equal extent in all DIM dimensions.

  • b: Begin point (lower left) of index space.

  • e: End point (top right) of index space.

inline IndexRange(const PointType &b, const PointType &e)

Construct index range.

Constructs an extent specified the DIM-dimensional difference of e and b.

  • b: Begin point (lower left) of index space.

  • e: End point (top right) of index space.

inline IndexRange getIntersection(const IndexRange &o) const

Get intersection subspace.


New range for intersection

  • o: Other index range

inline bool isIndex(const MultiIndex &p) const

Check if index is valid local in this range.


True if p is a valid index (exclusive; C-style indexing)

  • p: Local multi-dimensional index

inline bool isGlobalIndex(const MultiIndex &p) const

Check if index is valid global in this range.


True if p is a valid index (exclusive; C-style indexing)

  • p: Global multi-dimensional index

inline size_t size() const

Size of index space.


Total number of indices in the index range

inline size_t sizeDim(const size_t i) const

Size of index space.


Number of indices along dimension i

  • i: Dimension

inline size_t getFlatIndex(const MultiIndex &p) const

Convert a local multi-dimensional index to a local one-dimensional index.

Computes a local* flat index from a local multi-dimensional index relative to the index space spanned by this range.


Local flattened index

  • p: Local multi-dimensional index

inline size_t getFlatIndexFromGlobal(const MultiIndex &p) const

Convert a global multi-dimensional index to a local one-dimensional index.

Computes a local* flat index from a global multi-dimensional index relative to the index space spanned by this range.


Local flattened index

  • p: Global multi-dimensional index

inline MultiIndex getMultiIndex(size_t i) const

Convert a local one-dimensional index to a local multi-dimensional index.

Computes a local* multi-dimensional index from a local one-dimensional index relative to the index space spanned by this range.


Local multi-dimensional index

  • i: Local one-dimensional index


template<typename T, size_t DIM>
class Cubism::Core::Range

Rectangular range.

Template Parameters
  • T: Data type that describes coordinates in the range

  • DIM: Dimension

Public Functions

inline Range()

Default constructor (NULL range)

inline explicit Range(const DataType e)

Construct range.

Constructs equal extent in all DIM dimensions.

  • e: End point (top right) of rectangle. Begin is 0.

inline explicit Range(const PointType &e)

Construct range.

Constructs an extent specified the DIM-dimensional e.

  • e: End point (top right) of rectangle. Begin is 0.

inline Range(const DataType b, const DataType e)

Construct range.

Constructs equal extent in all DIM dimensions.

  • b: Begin point (lower left) of rectangle.

  • e: End point (top right) of rectangle.

inline Range(const PointType &b, const PointType &e)

Construct range.

Constructs an extent specified the DIM-dimensional difference of e and b.

  • b: Begin point (lower left) of rectangle.

  • e: End point (top right) of rectangle.

inline void setBegin(const PointType &b)

Set range begin.

  • b: New begin point

inline void setEnd(const PointType &e)

Set range end.

  • e: New end point

inline PointType getBegin() const

Get range begin.


Begin point

inline PointType getEnd() const

Get range end.


End point

inline PointType getExtent() const

Get range extent.


If getNullSpace().size() > 0 then the extent for the corresponding null space dimension is equal to the identity. This allows for arithmetic operations if the range spans a lower dimensional space. Use the getNullSpace() method to obtain the null space components.


Range extent

inline DataType getVolume() const

Get range volume.


Range volume

inline std::vector<size_t> getNullSpace() const

Get the null space.

The range has a reduced basis if

null.size()>0, where null is the return value.

Vector of indices corresponding to the dimensions that span a null space

inline bool isContained(const Range &o) const

Check if other range is contained in this range.


True if o is contained in this range (inclusive)

  • o: Other range

inline bool isContained(const PointType &p) const

Check if point is contained in this range.


True if p is contained in this range (inclusive)

  • p: Point

inline bool isIntersecting(const Range &o) const

Check if other range intersects this range.


True if o intersects this range

  • o: Other range

inline Range getIntersection(const Range &o) const

Get intersection subspace.


New range for intersection

  • o: Other range

inline bool operator==(const Range &o) const

Check if other range is equal to this range.

  • o: Other range

inline bool operator!=(const Range &o) const

Check if other range is not equal to this range.

  • o: Other range


template<size_t DIM>
class Cubism::Core::Stencil

Describes a stencil.

Template Parameters
  • DIM: Stencil dimensionality

Public Functions

inline Stencil()

Default constructor.

inline Stencil(const DataType b, const DataType e, const bool tensorial = false)

Main constructor.

A symmetric stencil from -1 to +1 is constructed by Stencil(-1,2). The stencil end is exclusive.

  • b: Begin of stencil

  • e: End of stencil

  • tensorial: Flag for tensorial stencil type

inline Stencil(const PointType &b, const PointType &e, const bool tensorial = false)

Main constructor.

An arbitrary stencil in 2D may be constructed as follows Stencil<2>({-1, -2}, {1, 3}). The stencil end is exclusive.

  • b: Begin of stencil

  • e: End of stencil

  • tensorial: Flag for tensorial stencil type

inline MultiIndex getBegin() const

Get stencil begin.

The stencil begin is inclusive.


Multi-dimensional index of stencil begin

inline MultiIndex getEnd() const

Get stencil end.

The stencil end is exclusive.


Multi-dimensional index of stencil end

inline bool isTensorial() const

Check if stencil is tensorial.

Tensorial stencils take into account edge and corner ghosts. A non-tensorial stencil accounts for face ghosts only.


True if tensorial


template<typename T, size_t DIM>
class Cubism::Core::Vector

Vector class with support for common operations.

Wraps around std::array. The data type T must follow the rules of aggregate initialization. The vector dimension DIM should be low-dimensional when used for automatic variables on the stack.

Template Parameters
  • T: Data type

  • DIM: Dimension

Public Functions

inline Vector()

Default constructor.

All elements are initialized to 0.

inline Vector(const Vector &c) noexcept

Default copy constructor.

inline Vector(Vector &&c) noexcept

Default move constructor (linear complexity)

inline Vector(const ArrayType &ary)

Copy constructor.

Initialize data from std::array of same type

inline Vector(ArrayType &&ary) noexcept

Move constructor.

Initialize data from std::array of same type (linear complexity)

template<typename U, size_t DIMU>
inline Vector(const Vector<U, DIMU> &c)

Constructor for arbitrary Vector types.

The type U must define a cast to DataType.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • DIMU: Vector dimension

  • c: Initial values

template<typename U>
inline explicit Vector(const U scalar)

Constructor for any scalar type U.

The type U must define a cast to DataType.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • scalar: Initialization value

template<typename U>
inline Vector(std::initializer_list<U> ilist)

Constructor for arbitrary list initialization.

The type U must define a cast to DataType.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • ilist: Initializer list

template<typename U>
inline Vector(const std::vector<U> &vec)

Constructor to initialize data from std::vector

The type U must define a cast to DataType.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • vec: Initializer vector

template<typename U, size_t DIMU>
inline Vector(const std::array<U, DIMU> &ary)

Constructor to initialize data from arbitrary std::array

The type U must define a cast to DataType. If DIMU > DIM only the first DIM elements will be copied. If DIMU < DIM the missing elements will be initialized to zero.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • DIMU: Array dimension

  • ary: Initializer array

template<typename U>
inline explicit Vector(const U *ptr, size_t n)

Constructor to initialize data from arbitrary pointer.

The type U must define a cast to DataType. If n > DIM only the first DIM elements will be copied. If n < DIM the missing elements will be initialized to zero.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • ptr: Pointer to first element

  • n: Number of elements to copy

~Vector() = default

Default destructor.

inline Vector &operator=(const Vector &c)

Default copy assignment operator.

inline Vector &operator=(Vector &&c)

Default move assignment operator (linear complexity)

inline Vector &operator=(const ArrayType &ary)

Copy assignment operator.

inline Vector &operator=(ArrayType &&ary)

Move assignment operator (linear complexity)

inline Vector &operator=(const DataType c)

Copy assignment operator for scalar c.

template<typename U, size_t DIMU>
inline Vector &operator=(const Vector<U, DIMU> &c)

Copy assignment operator for any other Vector type.

The type U must define a cast to DataType. If DIMU > DIM only the first DIM elements will be copied. If DIMU < DIM the missing elements in this vector will not be modified.

Template Parameters
  • U: Scalar type

  • DIMU: Vector dimension

  • c: Source vector

inline void swap(Vector &other) noexcept

Swap this vector with other vector.

inline size_t size() const

Size of vector.


Size of vector (static)

inline DataType *data()

Get pointer to raw data.


Pointer to first element

inline const DataType *data() const

Get pointer to raw data.


const pointer to first element

inline ArrayType &getArray()

Get underlying array.



inline const ArrayType &getArray() const

Get underlying array.


const std::array

inline DataType &operator[](const size_t i)

Data access interface.


Reference to element

  • i: Vector element

inline const DataType &operator[](const size_t i) const

Data access interface.


const reference to element

  • i: Vector element

inline explicit operator ArrayType() const

Cast operator.

Cast to std::array

inline explicit operator DataType*()

Cast operator.

Cast to pointer pointing to the first array element

inline bool operator==(const Vector &other) const

Equality operator.

A Vector is equal to another if they are equal component-wise.

inline bool operator<(const Vector &other) const

Less than operator.

A Vector is smaller than another if all components are less than the corresponding components of the other Vector.

inline bool operator>(const Vector &other) const

Greater than operator.

A Vector is larger than another if all components are greater than the corresponding components of the other Vector.

inline bool operator<=(const Vector &other) const

Less-equal than operator.

A Vector is smaller or equal than another if all components are less or equal than the corresponding components of the other Vector.

inline bool operator>=(const Vector &other) const

Greater-equal than operator.

A Vector is larger or equal than another if all components are greater or equal than the corresponding components of the other Vector.

inline bool lexLT(const Vector &other) const

Lexicographic less-than.

Identical to std::array

inline bool lexLE(const Vector &other) const

Lexicographic less-equal.

Identical to std::array

inline bool lexGT(const Vector &other) const

Lexicographic greater-than.

Identical to std::array

inline bool lexGE(const Vector &other) const

Lexicographic greater-equal.

Identical to std::array

inline DataType normsq() const

Squared Euclidean vector norm.

inline DataType norm() const

Euclidean vector norm (L2)

inline DataType normL2() const

Vector L2 norm (alias for norm())

inline DataType normL1() const

Vector L1 norm.

inline DataType normLinf() const

Vector maximum norm.

inline Vector unit() const

Unit vector.

inline DataType dot(const Vector &other) const

Vector dot product.

inline Vector cross(const Vector &other) const

Vector cross product.

inline DataType getCrossThird(const Vector &other) const

Third component of vector cross-product.

inline DataType distsq(Vector other) const

Squared distance between this and other vector.

inline DataType dist(Vector other) const

Distance between this and other vector.

inline DataType sum() const

Sum of vector components.

inline DataType prod() const

Product of vector components.

inline DataType min() const

Minimum vector component.

inline DataType max() const

Maximum vector component.

inline size_t argmin() const

Index of minimum component.

inline size_t argmax() const

Index of maximum component.

inline Vector abs() const

Absolute value.


Absolute copy of this vector